
Mindset, Coaching & Counseling

May is mental health awareness month, which is a good time to revisit how my work can be linked to mental health. The conversation of the mental health and nutrition connection really only became more mainstream in the past 4 years, due to a myriad of reasons including podcasting, social media, books, new research, and […]

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We all know that hunger is innate and instinctive for all humans. In college, I was introduced to Ellyn Satter’s work, in which her big domino belief is that we are born natural, intuitive eaters, yet it is common that as we age and undergo life’s transitions, that innate ability to tune into our hunger […]

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What’s more fun than talking about health benefits? Basically everything. That said, I’ve witnessed firsthand a shift in employee benefits to more of a focus on wellness and prevention, and it truly is a beautiful thing. Check out how you can get the most of each pillar of my practice (nutrition counseling, supplements, and lab […]

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I will admit, what we do as dietitians in general is misconstrued by almost everyone. Beyond that, each dietitian (especially those in private practice) have their own style, system, and focus area. I thought I would break down my initial “Get Started Package” to clarify everything and ensure you know how you are about to […]

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In my opinion, the word balance is often oversimplified. Social media often makes it seem like it’s just adding a side of broccoli to pizza and calling it a day or even bouncing from extreme “grind” to extreme rest. Sometimes seeing this messaging without addressing underlying themes of how to really look into and create […]

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The word “balance” is often thrown around, but do you ever think about what it actually means? I think it’s time we ease away from the mindset of balance equating to the “perfect life” that is advertised on social media. Rather, we should adopt the mindset that balance concerns enjoying living in the present while […]

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5 Tips to Color Your Eating Plan One tip for increasing diversity in your gut? Add color. Different colors can feed different types of bacteria, supporting an abundant gut environment. Plus using color in your eating plan can truly show the personality of your dish. We eat first with our eyes and then the rest […]

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I am writing this just 2 days after completing my first triathlon, the international distance for the Chicago Triathlon. Currently it’s a mixture of being on a high for setting and completing a goal, relief that it is over, some reflection on what I would do differently, and anticipation for the next one. Although we […]

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Have you ever heard the expression “find your strength in numbers”?  Exercising with groups holds you accountable for showing up, provides support and motivation, and encourages you to succeed at your goals. Connecting through exercise involves participating in an activity while making social connections. This ultimately improves your overall health as social interaction strongly influences […]

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“Connection is why we’re here. It’s what gives us purpose and meaning in our lives.” – Brene Brown When you think health, you often think veggies and strenuous workouts, am I right? While those aspects are helpful, we are now starting to bring light to a well rounded approach to health, filling up our mental, […]

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success stories

"The results from working with Chelsea were great. I had more energy, especially for the 4:30 am early workouts, my body fat & weight dropped and my two triathlons went extremely well. The process was actually fun and I looked forward to our regular meetings. It didn’t seem like work since I was making an investment in a better me."

In about 4 months of her personalized program, I have lost 10 lbs., gained muscle mass, my body fat is going down steadily, my lab numbers are in normal range, and I feel GREAT! For the first time in all these years I am approaching my wellness goal with a fit body and mind. To me, the mastermind behind all these achievements is Chelsea.”

“My results in one word? Energy. Working together to ensure my body was getting the appropriate caloric intake to sustain the workouts, understanding what that meant and ultimately how to achieve that was paramount to our success as a team. My workouts didn't necessarily get easier, more so than I got better, physically and mentally. I started eating better, sleeping better, and working out better. That's been invaluable to me and will stick with me for the rest of my life.”

Dan, Age 53

Marleny, Age 68

Steve, Age 37

“Chelsea has helped me implement changes from increased water intake, better sleeping habits, reduced brain fog, daily routine, and especially better eating habits. These are changes I have been wanting to make my whole life but did not know where to start. Chelsea listens, she is kind, extremely knowledgeable and truly wants the best for you!”

“I liked Chelsea’s approach of how to enact significant long term lifestyle changes. I lost weight, more muscle, more energy, less "mid day slumps", more consistency overall, learned many techniques to help me maintain progress even during difficult times. It wasn’t just the fact that I was able to have a trusted source and be held accountable, but also how she approached large changes as a series of small, individual changes that add up to something greater.”

“Chelsea has had a tremendously positive impact on the way that I now eat and therefore, live. Her approach is comprehensive, judicious, practical, and very detail-oriented. I truly feel that her practice exudes authenticity and professionalism, and it has made for a great overall experience with her.”

Danielle, Age 28

Jonathan, Age 29

Zach, Age 25

“I'm training for my first Ultra and was having issues sustaining energy, knowing which supplements I should take, and I wanted to eat clean to help achieve my running goals. Since working with Chelsea, I feel great! My training is going great, my mile times are improving and I've learned how to eat real foods and enjoy it! I'm extremely pleased with the results I've seen since consulting Chelsea. I look forward to our weekly sessions and was surprised how easy it is each week for me to hit the goals she sets for me.”

“My confidence since I started with Chelsea has skyrocketed. I feel so much happier and healthier, and I have been more comfortable in my clothes! I have lost a total of about 15 lbs as of now, my stamina in the gym significantly increased, my energy levels have been consistent, sleep has been great, and my clothes fit looser.”

“Working with Chelsea really shifted my mindset around food. I began to stop labeling foods as “bad” and focusing on fueling my body with foods that make me feel good and give me more energy in the gym and throughout the day. Balance and moderation are things I have struggled with in the past, always having an “all or nothing” mentality around food. Chelsea gave me tools and strategies to enjoy eating and building healthy habits!”

Christina, Age 41 

Andrea, Age 26

Tara, Age 27 

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